Scope of Sagarmala projects

An extensive programme has been planned out for #Sagarmala Development Company (SDC), which has initial authorized capital of Rs.1,000 crore and subscribed share capital of Rs.90 crore.
The SDC is an entity for providing equity support to port-led economic development projects. It identifies port-led development projects and assist special purpose vehicles (SPVs) in project development, bid out projects for private sector participation and put in place suitable risk management measures for strategic projects.
Meanwhile, here are the Sagarmala projects;
Manufacturing hubs in coastal regions supported by good connectivity to ports and efficient ports.
Ports as to act as catalysts long km coastline, in 13 States and Union Territories.
12 Major, 200+ Non-Major ports, for 90% of country’s EXIM trade by volume.
Cargo Traffic Growth: 1,072.23 million tonnes (MT) in 2015-16 to 2,500 MT
in 2024-25.
Coastal shipping to increase from 86 Million Tons to 215 Million Tons by 2025.
Sagarmala Programme – 2016 Key Achievements
National Perspective Plan (NPP) prepared.
400+ projects (cost: Rs. 8 Lac Crore), have been identified.
Projects worth Rs.1 lakh Crore under various stages of implementation
and development.
Rs. 242.92 Crore released for 14 projects under Sagarmala; Some of the
projects are:
Rs.58.5 Crore released for capital dredging for #Gogha-Dahej ROPax
Ferry Services project.
Rs.50 Crore released for construction of RoB cum Flyover at
Ranichak level crossing at Kolkata Port.
Rs.43.76 Crore released for RO-RO Services Project at Mandwa.
Rs.20 Crore released for setting up second rail line from Take-off
Point A cabin at Durgachak (Haldia Dock Complex).
Rs.20 Crore released for Vizag Port road connectivity to National Highway-5.
Rs.10 Crore released for development of a full-fledged Truck.
Port Modernization & New Port Development (189 projects, Rs.1.42 lakh Crore).
Master Plans finalized for 12 major ports
142 projects (cost: Rs.91,434 Crore) identified for implementation till
42 projects (cost: Rs.23,263 Crore) already under implementation.
30 projects (cost: Rs.11,612 Crore) to be taken up in FY 16-17.
New Port Development
Techno Economic Feasibility Report (TEFR) prepared for new port at Vadhavan, Sagar Island, Paradip Outer Harbor, Enayam, Sirkazhi and Belekeri.
Detailed Project Report (DPR) prepared for new port at Sagar Island; EFC approval obtained.
DPR under preparation for Vadhavan, Paradip Outer Habor & Enayam
Cabinet approval obtained for setting up major port at Enayam.
Consultant appointed for preparation of action plan for development of
cruise tourism in India.
Cruise terminals under development at Chennai and Mormugao Port Trust.
Port Connectivity Enhancement (170 projects, Rs.2.3 lakh Crore).
Rail Connectivity Projects
Indian Port Rail Corporation Limited has taken up 25 works (cost: Rs.5,284.38 Crore).
8 works (cost: Rs.159.24 Crore) already awarded in FY 16-17.
4 more works (Rs.571.13 Crore) likely to be awarded in FY 16-17.
6 works (Rs.228.01 Crore) DPR prepared.
7 works (Rs. 4326 Crore) DPR under preparation.
New projects
Heavy Haul Rail Corridor Project between Talcher & Paradip.
#JNPT-Manmad-Indore rail link feasibility study.
Jaisalmer-Kandla Rail feasibility study.
Out of the 27 rail projects identified under Sagarmala, 21 projects (3300 Km, cost: Rs.28,000 Crore) are being taken up by Ministry of Railways.
6 projects (151 Km, cost: Rs.3,590 Crore) to be taken up by IPRCL.
Road Connectivity Projects
Out of 79 road projects (including 10 freight friendly expressways) 45 projects (cost: Rs.154,258 Crore) to be done by MoRTH / NHAI.
34 projects (cost: Rs.10,923 Crore) to be done by State PWD,
Port Authorities, NHAI and SDC in coordination with MoRTH/NHAI.
Sagarmala Programme – Projects under Coastal Berth Scheme
5 projects sanctioned in FY 15-16; Fund of Rs.70 Crore released.
30 projects (cost: Rs.584.46 Crore) considered in FY 16-17.
Rs.19.72 Crore sanctioned for 6 projects so far.
Dedicated coastal berth at Porbandar Port (cost: Rs.37 Crore).
Construction of jetties at Bhayander (cost: Rs.14.15 Crore).
Port-led Industrialization (33 projects, Rs.4.2 lakh Crore).
Perspective plans prepared for 14 Coastal Economic Zones (CEZs).
29 potential port-linked industrial clusters identified across Energy, Materials, Discrete Manufacturing and Maritime sectors.
Master plans prepared for Maritime Clusters proposed in Gujarat and TN.
Planned SEZ at JNPT, Free Trade Warehousing Zone at Ennore, Smart Port Industrial Cities at Kandla and Paradip.
The Shipping Ministry is part-funding select fishing harbour projects under Sagarmala in convergence with Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying & Fisheries (Ministry of Agriculture).
Rs.52.17 Cr sanctioned for project for modernization & upgrading
of Sassoon Dock.
10 more proposals under consideration: Karnataka (3), Kerala (2), Tamil Nadu (2), Maharashtra (1), Gujarat (2).
Upgradation of Veraval and Mangrol fishing harbors.
The Ministry will also support development of deep sea fishing vessels and fish processing centres in convergence with Department of Animal
Husbandry Dairying & Fisheries.
Next Steps – Port Modernization & New Port Development.
Work in coordination with State Governments to increase Indian Port
Capacity to more than 3,000 MMTPA by 2025.
New Port Development:
Award implementation of Vadhavan, Paradip Outer Habor & Enayam.
Obtain Cabinet approval for setting up major port at Vadhavan.
Implement road projects under Sagarmala including 10 freight friendly
expressways (E.g. Expressway from Ahmedabad to JNPT).
Award implementation of Heavy Haul Rail Corridor project between Talcher
& Paradip in coordination with Ministry of Railways.
Develop 37 prioritized National Waterways.
Port-led Industrialization
Develop Master Plans for the 14 Coastal Economic Zones (CEZs) in a phased manner; Phase I: Master planning of CEZ in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh & Tamil Nadu.
Develop DPRs for Maritime Clusters proposed in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.
Award for implementation of Kandla & Paradip Smart Port Industrial Cities.
Non-Major Ports (mostly privately operated)
Around 200 notified Non-Major Ports governed by the respective Maritime State Governments.
Satellite Port of JNPT to handle 15 million TEUs. Spread over 1028 Ha, its DPR is to be completed by July 2017, financial closure by August 2017 and contracts to be awarded in January, 2018.
New Major Port at Colachel (Enayam). Estimated project cost is US$1 billion.
Shipbuilding and Ship Repair is one of four key sectors of strategic sectors identified by the government.
New Shipbuilding Policy
Financial Assistance of 20% of total cost.
Shipyards granted Infrastructure status – will get cheap working capital.
New Dry dock at Cochin Shipyard Limited – to cater for LNG vessels, large naval vessels, jack-up rigs. Cost US$230 million.
Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Facility at Kandla.
India planning to build LNG tankers with South Korean collaboration in Cochin.