High performance process technology in operation

Houston-based GTC Technology has provided its low-temperature Isomalk-2sm process technology for the successful start-up of a light naphtha isomerization unit at the Bharat Petroleum Corporation, Ltd. (BPCL) refinery in Mumbai.
The unit will produce an isomerate gasoline blend stock component.
The overall process includes a naphtha hydrotreating and fractionation section, isomerization section and a first-of-a-kind GT-TDWCsm (Top Dividing Wall Column) installation.
Unit operation started in March 2017.
GTC provided a single-source responsibility for process license, basic engineering design, catalysts and chemicals, equipment supply and process guarantees.
“We are glad to announce the start-up of the first light naphtha isomerization unit in India based on the high-performance non-chlorinated SI-2™ mixed metal oxide catalyst,” said Joseph C. Gentry, GTC’s Vice President, Licensing and Technology. fii-news.com