Jaitley underlines after-sale support for equipment.

Indian and Russian defence ministers have explored new opportunities for Russian companies to participate in the Indian defence manufacturing sector during a meeting held in Moscow on 23 June 2017.
The Russian participation is part of the ‘Make in India’ programme, under the new strategic partnership policy of the Indian Government.
Defence Minister Arun Jaitley has conveyed the utmost importance of having a robust and reliable after-sale support mechanism with regard to serviceability of Russian origin equipment supplied to India.
Both sides also agreed to conclude various ongoing negotiations for different platforms, as well as restructure the Inter-governmental Commission to enhance military to military cooperation.
India’s military technical cooperation with Russia is one of the key pillars of our relations with Russia which was reviewed during the 17th Meeting of the India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Military Technical Cooperation.
Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu agreed with Jaitley to a roadmap for the development of bilateral defence cooperation for which a Protocol has been signed.
It was decided that the next meeting of the Commission will take place in India next year on mutually convenient dates. fii-news.com