Minister sees gold era for textile industry.

Textiles Minister Smriti Zubin Irani said the current age is a golden era for development of textile industry, and affirmed the government’s commitment to promote the sector.
Sixty-five Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) were signed on 1 July 2017 at the Textiles India 2017, on the 2nd day of the three-day mega trade fair in Gandhinagar.
MoUs were signed between various domestic and international organizations from industry and government; three of these are on G2G basis.
The MoUs signed relate to exchange of information and documentation, Research & Development, commercialization of handloom products and silk production, cooperation in Geo textiles, skill development, supply of cotton and trade promotion with overseas partners, etc.
The main MoUs are:
Central Silk Board with Dept. of Agriculture of Gyangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. It is for the Development of improved silk worm breeds and mulberry varieties suitable to both the countries by exchange of sericulture egenetic materials, etc.
Ministry of Textiles DC(HL) with Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs & Grade for Australian Indian Textiles and Fashion project.
National Institute of Fashion Technology with Bangladesh University of Fashion & Technology to encourage academic cooperation between the two institutes and strengthen academic interventions.
Powerloom Export Development Council (PDEXCIL) with Sri Lanka Apparel Exporters Association for Exchange of Information.
CITI with International Textile Manufactures Federation (ITMF) for Exchange of information and documentation.
Cotton Corporation India (CCI) with Southern India Mills Association (SIMA) for Supply of Cotton to SIMA.
Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council (TEXPROCIL) with China Cotton Textiles Association to exchange information and documentation concerning economic information as well as business information and trade facilitation etc.
Vardhman Textiles Ltd with TOYOBO Co Ltd of Japan to buy approx. US$20 million worth of Textiles in the current financial year from Vardhman Textiles Ltd.
SRETPC with Indian Chamber of Commerce and Culture, Slovakia for Trade Promotion with overseas partner.
Central Silk Board (CSB) with Five P Ventures India Pvt Ltd, Erode For development and commercialization of Handloom products developed by Product Development Division of CSB.
Vardhman Textiles Ltd with Japan’s ALMUNDO Associate to buy approx. US$20 million worth of Textiles in the current financial year from Vardhman Textiles Ltd.
TEXPROCIL with Vietnam Textile & Apparel Association to provide appropriate assistance and advice to member companies or their businessmen of the parties for business visits to respective countries annually to participate in trade fairs, exhibitions, business seminars and other activities.
ATIRA with Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad, for Cooperation in Geo Textiles, Nano Fibre tech and Protective Textiles and Skill Development.
IJIRA with Dept of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology for R&D in jute products.
EPCH with Himachal Pradesh State Handicrafts & Handloom Corporation Ltd for development of market niche for Himachal Pradesh exporters through divers set of market linkage and promotion activities.
CSB with MK Designs, Bangalore, for commercialization of Silk Products
ATIRA with iCreate International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Technology for Development of Entrepreneurs incubates in the area of Focus Incubation.
TEXPROCIL with The Indo-Polish Chamber of Commerce to provide appropriate assistance and advice to member companies or their businessmen of the parties for business visits to respective countries annually to participate in trade fairs, exhibitions, business seminars and other activities.