The Indian society will monitor ships in EU ports.

Leading classification society Indian Register of Shipping (IRClass) has been accredited for EU MRV Monitoring Reporting and Verification services by Raad voor Accreditatie (RvA).
The EU regulation 2015/757 requires ships of above 5,000 GT, visiting European Union ports and while in EU ports to monitor and report their CO2 emissions, fuel consumption and transport work.
As a first step towards compliance, ship-specific monitoring plans need to be submitted by the company for assessment by 31st August 2017.
At the end of each calendar year commencing with 2018, a ship-specific emissions report is required to be prepared by the company and submitted to an accredited independent verifier for verification.
This accreditation enables IRClass to undertake Assessment of Monitoring Plans and Verification of Emissions Reports (CO2) an ‘Independent Verifier’ for any ship, anywhere in the world, regardless of country of ownership, flag state, or class.
Vijay Arora, Joint Managing Director said: “With our systematic procedures, technical expertise, and user friendly electronic tools, IRClass will provide ship-owners and managers with a seamless compliance solution.”
RvA is an internationally reputed, Netherlands based EU notified body for accrediting an organisation as ‘Independent Verifier’ as per ISO 14065 and applicable EU regulation 2015/757.