World-Bank funded projects being assessed.

A dedicated team from a Singapore consortium is marketing to potential investors for development of various facilities of Amaravati, the new capital city of Andhra Pradesh, according to a report from the south Indian state.
A team from Ascnedas-Singbridge and Sembcorp, Singpore’s top industrial groups, is also finalizing designs for Amarvati, which is to be developed in various phases.
Singapore’s Surbana Jurong Pte Ltd have done the masterplan for the greenfield city, which will be India’s first smart city development. It is also preparing to partner with investors/developers in undertaking phase-based projects in Amaravati.
Meanwhile, the Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (AP-CRDA) Commissioner Cherukuri Sreedhar told The Hindu “They (Singapore companies) are focussing on the transformation of the entire region from the infrastructure point of view also.”
The CRDA is holding public consultations on the social and environmental impact of the projects in the new city, particularly those supported by the World Bank.
“A proper assessment of the World Bank-funded projects is a must and we have to submit detailed reports to it, lest the works should fall in jeopardy,” the Capital Region Development Authority chief stressed to The Hindu.