Non-major ports merged
Twenty-six projects costing Rs.1,207 crore have been sanctioned for total financial assistance of Rs.462.60 crore, said the Minister of State for Shipping Pon. Radhakrishnan in a written reply to parliament on 15 Mar 2018.
The central government has released Rs.275.30 crore to Major Ports/State Maritime Boards/State Governments under the Coastal Berth Scheme.
The scheme is being implemented since March 2015 to promote the development of infrastructure for movement of passengers and cargo at major under the Sagarmala Programme.
Non-major ports have also been merged with the Sagarmala Programme.
The programme of Shipping Ministry to promote port-led development in the country by harnessing India’s 7,500 km long coastline, 14,500 km of potentially navigable waterways.
It aims to reduce the logistics costs by doubling the share of domestic waterways in the modal mix from current 6%.