Railways open to tech innovations

Japan’s Shinkansen is introducing the latest high-speed rail technology in India, Railway Minister Piyush Goyal has told an international conference.
“The introduction of Shinkansen from Ahmedabad to Mumbai wasn’t only about speed but about introducing the latest technology in the country,” he said after the inauguration of International Conference on Technological Advancements in Railway and Metro Projects (IC-TRAM 2018) in New Delhi on 4 Oct 2018.
“Railways is always open to embrace technological innovations to provide best services to the commuters. The need of the hour is to figure out technological innovations which can make Railways safer & more efficient,” he stressed.
The top management of Railways is open to new ideas and willing to take up new assignments for creating a ‘New Railways’, assured Goyal.
He highlighted remarkable progress made in elimination of Unmanned Level Crossings across Indian Railways and the convoy system in freight train movement adopted by South Central Railway recently.
Forty freight trains in this convoy were able to run at higher speeds due to lack of interference from passenger trains. This concept will increase efficiency and revenues for the railway, he said.
Keshav Chandra, Chairman, Organizing Committee and former Member Railway Board, has called for upgrade of skill in railways.
He wants to hear the fine ‘art and science’ of metro building and railway modernization from all involved in rail industry.
The conference was organized on 4-5 October 2018 by DIPM Council (India). fiinews.com