Prabhu wants high yield-disease resistant crops

Commerce and Industry Minister Suresh Prabhu has called for urgent innovation in agriculture sector, using startups to work on solutions to produce more food crops in limited fertile soil with use of less water.
Prabhu also called for innovations to minimise wastage of food grains, fruits and vegetables.
The agricultural sector will have immense possibilities for startups, which are now confined mainly to think tanks and manufacturing, said the minister.
He stressed on the need for high yielding and disease resistant crop varieties, soil nutrient maps, improved design of dairy, poultry and fisheries technologies. The minister wants new innovations for these areas.
Urging the agri startups to become more innovative, Prabhu said that the Government is working on a comprehensive strategy for facilitating growth of start-ups.
The Minister gave away innovation awards to agri startups in different categories. He also released the PWC Knowledge report of Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry on 16 Nov 2018.