Tender: PNGRB prepares for 10 Round

India is increasing its city gas distribution network across half the country covering 65 Geographical Areas (GAs) in 129 Districts.
Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) has awarded the project under the 9th City Gas Distribution (CGD) Bidding Round.
In addition, PNGRB has also initiated the process of 10th CGD bidding round for additional 50 new GAs covering 124 districts in 14 States to increase the potential coverage to about 53% of the country’s area covering 70% of country’s population.
The e-bidding process has been initiated since 8 November 2018.
Pre-bid conference is scheduled on 6 December 2018.
Bids can be submitted by 5 February 2019.
Technical Bids would be opened during 7-9 February 2019.
The Letters of Intent are to be issued by end-February 2019.
The 9th round would herald the availability of convenient, environment-friendly and cheaper natural gas for almost half of the country’s population spread across 26 States and Union Territories.
The Government has put thrust to promote the usage of environment friendly clean fuel i.e. natural gas as a fuel/feedstock across the country to move towards a gas-based economy.
Till September 2018, 96 cities/Districts in different parts of the country were covered for development of CGD networks.
About 46.5 lakh households and 32 lakh CNG vehicles are availing the benefit of clean fuel through existing CGD networks.
To boost the expansion of PNG/CNG network, PNGRB launched 9th CGD bidding round in April 2018 for 86 Geographical Areas (GAs) covering 174 districts in 22 States/ Union Territories.
Subsequent to processing of received bids, grants of authorization have been issued to the successful bidders to develop CGD network for 84 GAs at present.
As per commitment made by various entities in this bidding round, around 2 crore PNG (Domestic) connections and 4,600 CNG stations are expected to be installed in next 8 years across the country.
This has expanded the potential coverage of CGDs to about 50% of country’s population spreading over 35% of India’s area.
Various pre-project activities for these GAs have already commenced and efforts are being made to commence the physical works at the site.
Share of Natural Gas in India’s energy basket is 6.2% as against 23.4% globally. Only Gujarat has achieved share of gas consumption more than global average at 25%.
India made a commitment in COP21 Paris Convention in December 2015 that by 2030, it would reduce carbon emission by 33% of 2005 levels.
Natural gas, as domestic kitchen fuel, as fuel for transport sector as well as a fuel for industries and commercial units, can play a significant role in reducing carbon emission. fiinews.com