AP to scale up efforts for better health care

The World Bank has signed a Loan Agreement of US$328 Million to help improve the quality and responsiveness of public health services in Andhra Pradesh.
The load, signed with the Indian and Andhra Pradesh Governments on 27 June 2019, comes from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) has a 23.5-year maturity which includes a 6-year grace period.
Andhra Pradesh has over the years demonstrated a strong commitment to improving health outcomes. In 2017-18, it allocated 5% of its total public expenditure towards health and has initiated significant steps towards strengthening its public health system.
Maternal mortality ratio in the state declined by 52% and infant mortality fell to 35 per 1,000 live births from 54 over the decade from 2005. Ninety-three percent women now opt for institutional deliveries.
Despite these positive steps, there exist disparities within the state in coverage of maternal and child health services and quality of service delivery. Non-communicable diseases are also on the rise and form 60% of Andhra’s burden of disease.
The World Bank Loan will support the Andhra Pradesh Government as it scales-up its efforts to bring better health care to all its citizens, especially pregnant women and those at risk of non-communicable diseases, like hypertension, diabetes and cervical cancer.
The Project will support the state in adopting innovative and technology-driven approaches to improve access and quality of health services.
The Project will support certification of health centers when they achieve and maintain quality standards; engagement of private service providers for improved quality of care; improved pharmaceutical stock management system; integrated online patient management system; and empanelment of private pharmacies to dispense State-financed drugs to improve their access to the population.
It will also support the rollout of a system for measuring and reporting on patient experience. fiinews.com