Progress of India Energy Modelling Forum
The US and Indian researchers, knowledge partners, think tanks, both national and international, as well as government agencies and departments for modeling and long-term energy planning exercise under the India Energy Modelling Forum.
Both NITI Aayog and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have agreed to engage through concerned Government, related agencies, and private players for the promotion of low carbon technologies in India following the launch of Forum on 2 July 2020.
Remarking on the meeting of the Sustainable Growth pillar, #USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator, Asia Bureau, Javier Piedra said both sides will continue to strengthen the Energy Data Management system to improve energy data availability, accessibility, and consistency with more intensive collaboration with US agencies.
The Sustainable Growth pillar will support the India #Energy Modeling Forum by facilitating collaborative engagement with the Modeling Forum at #Stanford University and will also initiate new multi-team joint research studies to support energy and environmental decision-making under the forum, said NITI Aayog in a release on 21 July 2020.
It was recognized that #Covid-19 is a challenge to the human spirit and to the partnership between our countries.
However, challenges always bring opportunities to devise new ways and find innovative solutions.
Both sides will adapt and continue to focus on sharing best practices and new solutions under the sustainable growth pillar for the benefit of India and the US.
This has set the stage for building on the successful strategic energy partnership between India and the US, said NITI Aayog.
The forum comes under the India-US’ long-standing energy collaboration which is part of the US–India Strategic Energy Partnership (SEP) by President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi in June 2017.
The SEP has four pillars: Oil and Gas, Power and Energy Efficiency, Renewable and Sustainable Growth.
The Sustainable Growth pillar is being co-chaired by NITI Aayog and USAID.
Key achievements and future action plan of the Sustainable Growth pillar were highlighted during the ministerial dialogue of the SEP held on 17 July 2020, under the co-chairmanship of Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan and Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette.
This pillar brings together Indian and American researchers and decision-makers to collaborate in three focal areas, said Dr Rakesh Sarwal, Additional Secretary, NITI Aayog, and India Co-Chair of the Sustainable Growth.
The focal areas are energy data management; energy modeling; and promotion of low-carbon technologies.
Considerable progress in the other two areas of the Sustainable Growth pillar were noted as below:
Energy data management: An India Energy Dashboard, which was launched in 2015, has been revamped with the provisioning of data input online and through API integration.
To enrich the exercise, NITI Aayog created eight sub-groups on energy demand and supply sectors. India and US agencies will cooperate to build a robust energy dashboard.
Energy modelling: Two exercises carried out on energy-water nexus and decarburization of the transportation sector have highlighted key issues and provided policy advice. #NITIAayog #Petroleum #Data #Sustainable #Growth /