550+ data sets help optimize DPR
The Government, through regular policy interventions and technology driven approach, is committed to enhance the scope of PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan (NMP) portal in improving the planning and execution of infrastructure projects, Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Jairam Gadkari said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha on 13 Mar https://morth.nic.in/.
The Government is involved in continuous improvement of the portal through data updation drives, integration with other databases like Electronic Detailed Accident Database (eDAR), traffic survey, toll plaza data etc, he added https://www.commerce.gov.in/.
Major initiatives taken to improve user experience on the PM Gati Shakti NMP portal includes availability of more than 550 layers of different sets of data, thereby helping in optimizing the Detailed Project Report (DPR) including alignment https://www.globaltenders.com/.
Further 115 National Highways (NHs) and road projects, of about 13,500 km amounting to Rs.6.38 lakh crore, have been examined so far leveraging the PM Gati Shakti NMP Portal and consulted within the Network Planning Group (NPG) of PM Gati Shakti NMP https://ted.europa.eu/en/.
This has resulted in better planning and execution of infrastructure projects for more streamlined project delivery by reducing the time and cost associated with project design, alignment, clearances, and approvals, said the Minister in an update on the NMP.
The DPR module tool developed by the Government along with the available features in the dynamic Geographic Information System (GIS) platform-based PM Gati Shakti NMP Portal is helpful for optimizing the NHs project alignments and planning of projects considering information related to existing physical and geographical features, forest areas, eco-sensitive areas, etc., in minimizing ecological impacts, requirements of clearances and faster and more effective project preparation http://conexpoconagg.com.
This contributes significantly in faster implementation of projects by obviating need for mid-course corrections and revisions in project features during project implementation phases, added Gadkari.
All the NH projects are planned in line with PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan (NMP) Principles.
The PM Gati Shakti NMP portal depicts the various data layers including economic nodes, social nodes, logistics nodes etc., thus enabling to identify infrastructure linkages required to support the development projects with an objective to holistically integrate the multimodal connectivity.
This also facilitates identifying the missing gaps for seamless movement of people, goods & services for proper connectivity, thereby improving the logistics efficiency, he said. fiinews.com