KAPP-4 attained criticality on 17 Dec 2023
Kakrapar Atomic Power Plant (KAPP-3), the first indigenous 700 MW PHWR at Gujarat, has started full commercial power production on 31 August, raising the installed capacity of nuclear power plants in India to 7480 MW.
KAPP-4 has attained criticality on 17 Dec 2023 which is the first step for commercial operation of the plant, the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) said on 29 Dec 2023.
“Towards the realization of the 2nd stage of our nuclear power program, significant developments have happened over the last one year,” DAE said in a year-end review of projects.
The filling of the Main Vessel of PFBR of BHAVINI with about 1,150 tonnes of liquid Sodium has been completed in a record 5 days in August 2023.
All the indigenously manufactured Primary and Secondary sodium pumps have been put in service successfully and integrated commissioning of the plant is in an advanced stage, it added. fiinews.com